Post Listings Area
This page covers all of the available options relating to the post listings area. This is typically displayed on the homepage but can also be added to any page.
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This page covers all of the available options relating to the post listings area. This is typically displayed on the homepage but can also be added to any page.
Last updated
Heads Up! The customizer settings for this area will only take effect if no static page has been set as the homepage. If a static page has been set, you'll find these settings at the bottom of the page edit screen instead.
Section Heading Text* - Enter the optional text to display as the header for this section. Only plain text is allowed here. The heading will continue to be displayed even on paginated pages.
Vertical Spacing Settings* - This setting refers to the amount of space at the top and bottom of this area, specifically the padding. The value is in pixels (px).
Post Listings Layout* - Choose from four different layouts for your post listings area.
Classic Grid - Displays your posts in a classic two-column grid.
Classic List - Displays your posts in a classic list with the image on the left and content on the right.
Staggered - Displays your posts in a unique "staggered" list where the content is slightly offset from the image and every odd post has swapped sides.
Full-Width Grid - Displays your posts in a three-column grid that uses the full width of the page. No sidebar is available with this layout.
Enable Big Post?* - Switch this on to display a big post at the top of the listings area. This post stands out from the rest and displays a bigger featured image and has social share icons.
Big Post to Show* - Start typing in the text field to search for a post you want to set as your big post. This setting is only available if the above setting is enabled.
Enable Sidebar?* - Toggle this switch to enable or disable the sidebar for your post listings area. See the chapter on Custom Widgets for more information on how to configure sidebars.
Sidebar Position* - If the above setting is enabled, you can set the position of the sidebar to either left or right.
Ignore Sticky Posts?* - Toggle this switch to enable or disable sticky posts. Sticky posts (or featured posts) are posts that have the "Stick to the top of the blog" selected on the post edit screen. Enabling this will ignore these posts.
Note: To change the number of posts that are displayed on each page in this area, navigate to Settings > Reading from your WordPress dashboard and change the value for "Blog pages to show at most".
Tip: The settings marked with * are also available on other pages when editing the page itself